How to easily get an extra 2GB on Google Drive

Last February 10, 2015 was Safer Internet Day and in order to help raise awareness of the importance of online safety, Google is offering all those who run Security Checkups on their Google accounts an EXTRA 2GB on their Google Drive. PERMANENTLY! But this offer is good only if you do the security checkup by February 17.

I use Google Drive a lot. Docs and Sheets are my favorites for collaborative work on different projects. Google Drive comes with a default 15GB storage capacity but since it's this easy to get an additional 2GB, why not? Besides, it is a good online habit to regularly check these Google settings.

Here's how.

1. Just log into your Google account from this link to the Security Checkup:

2. You will have a chance to review and edit all the settings you currently have:
a. Recovery information - this is where you set up an alternate recovery email, alternate mobile number and print/download backup codes. Google contacts you on your recovery info when it detects suspicious activity.
b. Recent activity - Shows all your sign-ins so you can validate if someone other than you is using your credentials.
c. Account permissions - This shows all permissions you've given to third-party apps. Revoke those which you no longer need.
d. App passwords- Shows passwords for apps and devices that do not use 2-step verification
e. 2-step verification settings (if activated).

Take a few minutes to check each of these items to see if they are still relevant. This is the time to edit, update and revoke old permissions that you no longer need.

3. Once you're done reviewing, you may see something like this.

In its blog, Google says that they will start granting the extra 2GB storage capacity beginning Feb. 28, 2015 and will be emailing Google account users once the adjustment has been made.

NOTE: Users of Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for Education are NOT ELIGIBLE for this extra storage offer.

Hurry now. Do your security checkup before Feb. 17, 2015 and easily earn an extra 2GB on Google Drive. And don't forget, checking settings is not a one-time thing but something we all need to do regularly.

Click here to read Google's blog post on this extra storage offer.


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