Smart now has the iPad Air and iPad Mini Retina with Postpaid Plans

The holidays are a good time as any to indulge yourself after months of hard work. Or give the gift of love to someone who works just as hard. Smart, through its subsidiary Smart Broadband (SmartBro) is now offering the iPad Air and iPad Mini Retina in different affordable data plans that allow subscribers to connect to Smart's LTE network with speeds up to 42 MBPS. iPad Air Holding the iPad Air, I was really impressed with how much lighter it was. But of course, I was still the owner of the original iPad 1 (haha). But really, my hubby has the iPad 4 and the iPad Air was definitely lighter. Featuring a 9.7-inch retina display, it is 20% thinner than the iPad 4 and at just one pound, it is 28% lighter as well. Its borders also feature a narrower bezel.