Bubbly- an app that lets you share your voice with the world..and more

Just recently, I opened a Bubbly account after I heard great things about it from blogger friends Noemi and Jim Paredes. At first I thought it was just another nice medium for social networking that had an audio component. But today, I learned it had the potential for doing more. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you first what Bubbly is. Bubbly is a voice app. It's sort of a hybrid between Twitter and Instagram. Like Twitter which has a limit of 140 characters, it's got a 90 second limit to audio recording. And while its picture quality is nowhere near Instagram's with all its filter options, Bubbly is handy as a talk-and-publish-on-the-fly app, just like Instagram which lets you snap a picture and post immediately. It's so simple to record anything. Just pull down on the bottom icon with the microphone and there is a 3-2-1 countdown before the recording starts. At any time, if you make a mistake, you can start over. For iOS devices, cl...