My firsthand experience with the new Samsung Galaxy S4

The new Samsung Galaxy S4, a successor to my Galaxy S3 mobile phone, is out. It just launched at the Radio City Music Hall, New York City, a couple of days ago. I was one of the lucky people in the Philippines who was able to try out almost all of the new features. Seated with several tech bloggers in the club lounge of a local hotel, we watched the livestream of the entire launch on a flat Samsung TV. The hype was all there, Broadway style. I guess holding it in Radio City Music Hall, New York, famous for the Rockettes, meant you could do no less than a Broadway introduction. The whole shebang began with a short video of a boy, about 10 years old, carrying a small box labeled "Unpacked". He does a short tap dance on the steps of his home before getting into a limousine and drives to Radio City. That video then segues into the actual launch, which began with Mr. J K Shin (President and Head of the IT Mobile Communication Division of Samsung Electronics) doing the op...