GO SMS Pro - my spam blocker

Getting spammy texts has become one of my pet peeves. They come at all times of the day and night and sometimes disturb my sleep. And beyond getting unwanted texts, it also makes me wonder how my number and that of many of my friends seem to be openly available to these text blasters. If you're using an Android phone like me, here's an app that I have been using because of its many nice features but which I now have also activated as a spam blocker - GO SMS Pro . GO SMS Pro comes as a free version and as a paid version. I only have the free version but it is already more than enough. There doesn't seem to be any need to upgrade to Pro. Besides, I read some reviews of the Pro app on Play Store and there were a few unhappy people who upgraded and recommended we stick with the free version. I made some screenshots of the Spam Blocker feature. Just look at all these features within GO SMS Pro. I don't even use half of them yet. So far I've only used themes,...